In Hawaii 5-o Pilot Show, What Type Of Plane Did He Arrived To The Island In?
The Hero has a military background and arrives to hawaii to a funeral. Arrives in a plane which i assume is a military plane. What is it? Looks cool. Thanks for any info. It was a C-17 Globemaster III,
Which Island Is The Best For A 4-days Vacation In Hawaii?
My boyfriend and I plan to go to Hawaii during mid-October for a 4-days trip. I’ve done a lot of researches yet I can’t decide which island I should go to. We are looking for a somewhat romantic trip that doesn’t include much sightseeing. We prefer being active at outdoor activities such as diving, snorkeling, […]
Resorts, Beaches and Regular People on the Big Island
The Big Island does not have the dense, miles-long tourist areas like Kaanapali, LaHaina and Waikiki, although you’ll find that there really are a great many resort hotels stretched mainly along the western shore (the windward side of the island). The primary concentration of resorts is in the Kohala District north of Kona. It is […]
What Is The Best Island To Stay On When Visiting Hawaii?
I am planning a first time trip to Hawaii and I want to know the best island to stay on. I don’t want to be in a highrise hotel off of the shore and I don’t want to be in a place that is too crowded or too much like the big city I am […]
What Is The Best Island To For A Hawaii Vacation?
My husband and I are planning a trip to Hawaii for my birthday in November. What is the best island to stay on? Neither one of us has ever been to Hawaii I’m a little more adventurous than he is I would love to scuba or snorkel, whale watch, go hiking or just anything fun! […]
Island Vacation Spots
Island vacation spots are the best places to take summer vacations as it’s not only relaxing to be away from work but also to enjoy the serene beauty of islands. It is truly the best view to watch the sun set over the ocean and see the colors of the sky change from blue, pink, […]
Which Island Of Hawaii Is The Best To Visit?
My friends and I are planning a trip to Hawaii next year and i was wondering which island is best for us to party in! We’re all in our mid 20’s, and want the things to be planned easily. My personal favorite is Kauai. It is called the garden island and I lived there for […]