Can Anyone Provide Information On Renting Vespas In Oahu, Hawaii?
The bf and I are vacationing next month and I was just wondering about the price, is there space to store personal items such as wallet+towels, can two people fit, and what time it should be returned for day rentals? THANKSSSS I rented a moped in Oahu and it was a blast, we did a […]
Has Anyone Transported Dogs To Hawaii And What Was The Experience Like?
My husband and I would like to move to Hawaii, and we have 3 dogs that have never been anywhere but home. We don’t think they could handle the trip. a friend of mine just looked into this as she is moving to hawaii and all she needed was a chip to go in the […]
Anyone Have A Good Vacation Home Rental On North Shore Of Oahu For Xmas And New Year’s?
We’re looking for a place to stay with a little privacy, on the beach. good luck, that is when the pro surfing tour is there. tons of austrailians,brazillians,californians, ah yeah, us hawaiians too. I’m sure you can find one, but it is high season. I love it there at that time of year, the waves […]